Hop, hop, hop, you shoppers.
Hop to Hopper's.
Honey, I wanna get you things...
dresses and things for the house...
- a house!
- But I like our house.
What is it that makes a family...
go to the same store over
and over and no place else?
Well, I don't know.
Free eats, free toys for the kiddies.
That's it!
We'll stuff'em and then we'll sell 'em.
- Hop, hop, hop, you shoppers!
Hop, hop, hop to Hopper's!
Come on, honey.
Let me show you around.
Hey, you kids. Get up on there and keep
with the "Hop, hop, hop to Hopper's."
- Eddie, this is wonderful.
- Oh, thanks, folks.
- Terrific.
- Thanks for coming.
- There's more bargains than that. Okay.
- We'll be back, Eddie.
- Some buys, Eddie.
- Edgar, uh...
- Congratulations, Eddie.
- Oh, thanks. The prices are low,
the goods are right...
so come to Hopper's
from morn till night.
- We'll be back.
- No kidding. We're open
till 10:00 every night.
- How's it going there, folks?
Those are all on sale.
- Oh, great.
- Edgar, when will
we ever see each other?
- Huh?
Honey, as soon as this thing gets going,
we'll have more time together than ever.
But we had all our time
together before.
- What about Thoreau?
- Thoreau?
You don't want to "keep pace"
like all the others. You heard
"a different drummer," remember?
Oh, yeah.
I hear a different drummer, all right.
And the music I hear
says, "Hop, hop, Eddie.
Hop, hop."
Well, it looks like
we've got him at last, Driscoll.
Have we?
The people seem to be eating it up.
Anybody'll run to look at a freak.
I figure I give him three months and he'll
hop, hop himself right into oblivion.
##Hop, hop, hop to Hopper's
Hop, hop, hop to Hopper's ##
# Hop, hop, hop, hop to Hopper's #
# Hop, hop, hop to Hopper's, Hop ##
For-Forgive me, sir,
but we really must advertise.
We must, huh?
You're fired!
- Merry Christmas and
a hop, hop, "hoppy" new year!
Merry Christmas...
and a hop, hop, "hoppy" new year!
- I really bought a lot of stuff.
- I think you bought out the store.
And it's no trouble at all,
Mrs. Freeman. No trouble.
If you can't leave Hopper's,
Hopper's leaves with you.