The rest of the time, I kept house.
Ah, la vie de Bohème!
Le sacrifice d'amour.
- This week's dinner.
- Oh, darling!
- How did you...
- Opus 752.
But, darling, that's one of
your most beautiful paintings.
Well, we can see it anytime
we go to the butcher shop.
Monsieur Blanchard has got it hanging
right over the tripe and the sweetbreads.
- But I've told you so many times,
in the United States in a bank...
- Won't touch it... not a nickel!
Money corrupts.
Art erupts.
Oh, that's a beautiful saying.
It's immortal.
I just made it up.
Hey, uh, say, listen, why don't you
bring some of that downstairs for me?
Will you?
I got some erupting to do.
Darling, your soup's on.
Darling, must you make
so much noise when you paint?
Ain't no other way, honey.
Tools of my trade, like I told you.