Money corrupts.
Art erupts.
Oh, that's a beautiful saying.
It's immortal.
I just made it up.
Hey, uh, say, listen, why don't you
bring some of that downstairs for me?
Will you?
I got some erupting to do.
Darling, your soup's on.
Darling, must you make
so much noise when you paint?
Ain't no other way, honey.
Tools of my trade, like I told you.
See, the sound, the sonic vibrations,
they go in there.
And then that gets transmitted
to that photoelectric cell...
which gives those dynamic impulses
to the brushes and the arms...
and it's a fusion of the mechanized world
and a human soul.
It's the only affirmative statement
being made in the world of art today.
L- I'm sorry. I forgot.
It's a terrible thing, being so dumb.
Well, you're really not so dumb, honey...
'cause, to tell the truth,
I don't understand it myself.
I left the machine on.
I know this probably
sounds stupid to you...
but what if we take a record...
and we put it on and we play it
through the, uh... the...