I camp about 10 blocks
further up the street on Fifth Avenue.
- And Willard, have the chef come 'round
and take Mrs. Flint's order, will you?
- Yes, sir.
You have anything you like.
We have some rather fine wines aboard.
- I'll, uh, just have my usual.
- Yes, sir.
- Whatever you have is all right with me.
- Oh, really?
My usual is two soft-boiled eggs,
gluten toast and a glass of yogurt.
And Willard, Mrs. Flint will have
the, uh, crème Senegalese, steak Diane...
pomme soufflé, profiteroles
with, uh, chocolate sauce, and
break out a bottle of La Tache.
- Very good, sir.
- And that'll be all, Willard. Thank you.
Now, let's step into the bar.
- I'll make you one of
my very special martinis.
- Oh, thank you, no.
I'll have a, uh... a scotch on the "rotch."
- Uh, on the rocks.
- Oh. Very well.
I was raised on maple syrup,
you know.
Cured me of drinking anything at all.
- Oh. Well, then I won't have...
- No, no, no. You go right ahead.
Drink up. It's good for you.
Watkins in Chicago.
Excuse me.
You know,
you really are rather beautiful...
but, uh, is that your hair?
Yeah. Hello.
Okay. You just sit tight. No, no.
I think Prescott's bluffing anyway.
True, there was no orgy on board.
- He wasn't
the Diamond Jim Brady of thejet set.
But he was arrogant, cold,
sure ofhimself, ordering people around...
another object lesson in what money
and power can do to a human being.
But for all of it, he really seemed
to be a miserable and lonely man.
Why he never even smiled. Not once
had a smile lit that stoney, sunless face.
- Well, a tycoon's work
is never finished, is it?
- That's what you call yourself,
isn't it? A tycoon?
- Absolutely. Absolutely.
Every morning I get up
and look at myself in the mirror,
and I say, "Good morning, tycoon."