- You sure you're not rich?
- I'm quite sure.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- You've been taken care of?
- I'm just waiting for Mr. Ralfe.
- Where is he?
- In there, putting some stuff away.
Maybe I can help you, then.
What was it you wanted?
- Nothing. I'm a friend of his.
- I see.
Please sit down.
This noise!
I'm Mark. I'm Gordon's brother.
He must have forgotten his manners,
leaving you alone.
Sit down. I'll dig him up.
Say, brother? What goes on here?
What happened?
Hospital burn down?
Whipped. I dropped in
for a shower and sack time.
What's with little orphan Annie
out there?
- She says she's a friend of yours.
- That's right.
- Since when? I never saw her before.
- Since a few days.
- Where did she come from, this...?
- Selina.
- Well, thanks. Where'd you meet her?
- In the park.
In the...? Man!
You picking up chicks in the park now?
knock it off. That kid's blind.
I thought there was something
off-center. I don't get it.
It's very simple.
She's blind, and she needs help.
She's just a friend.
Very touching.
You gotta be out of your mind.
The most you'll get
out of this is a kick in the pants.
Why don't you go take a shower
and cool off.
- You want some lunch?
- No, thanks. I had mine.
- That was Mark.
- I know. Talks fast, doesn't he?