A Patch of Blue

What's with little orphan Annie
out there?

- She says she's a friend of yours.
- That's right.

- Since when? I never saw her before.
- Since a few days.

- Where did she come from, this...?
- Selina.

- Well, thanks. Where'd you meet her?
- In the park.

In the...? Man!
You picking up chicks in the park now?

knock it off. That kid's blind.
I thought there was something
off-center. I don't get it.

It's very simple.
She's blind, and she needs help.

She's just a friend.
Very touching.
You gotta be out of your mind.

The most you'll get
out of this is a kick in the pants.

Why don't you go take a shower
and cool off.

- You want some lunch?
- No, thanks. I had mine.

- That was Mark.
- I know. Talks fast, doesn't he?

He's wound up. He's been having
a tough time at the hospital.

- He been sick?
- No. He works there. He's an intern.

- He thinks he's one great ball of fire.
- What do you think?

- I think he's one great ball of fire.
- I thought you thought that.

Open that.
