What does the Colonel wish me to say?
Speak your mind... the truth.
Don't be afraid, Conrad.
I must have someone
to tell me the truth.
I've always been fortunate to
serve under brilliant men.
Who know everything.
From them I have learned one thing.
When all was lost,
These brilliant men never lost hope.
I admire that.
What else do you admire about these men?
The illusion.
Maybe... l'm not using the right word,
I'm... Not an educated man.
The hope that there's
always one more chance,
That is the illusion.
Go on, Conrad. Yes, that's very good.
On, it's not my place to
speak of such things.
Go on.
I order you to.
This new command...
Is an illusion.
Give it up.
I am martin Hessler.
For years ago, my panzers
overran poland in one week.
That was no illusion.
In 39 days.
My tanks smashed all the way to Paris.
That way no illusion.
I conquered the crimea.
That was no illusion.
I was given a brigade of tiger tanks.
When I have a brigade of tanks.
That is reality.