10:15. Now, did the movers....
They left a few minutes after?
l started to unpack.
Then a man came in.
-The door was unlocked?
-What man?
-Mr. Wilson. He had a key.
-Who is this Wilson?
Our landlord, but that doesnt give him
the right to come barging in here.
So l went to buy some groceries.
-Did you leave Mr. Wilson alone here?
He left when l did.
How long were you here
after you had come back from marketing?
Just long enough to unload the groceries.
l had to go get Bunny.
Yes, very well.
Mr. Lake, do you have personal possessions
of any value?
Very few, and nothings missing.
Wait a minute.
-No, its all here.
-Excuse me.
A little over $500 in Swiss Francs
and travelers checks.
Bunny isnt on your passport?
No, she has her own.
Why do you leave so much money
lying around?
l was supposed to go
to Switzerland tomorrow...
to cover
the lnternational Monetary Conference--
-You work for an American newspaper?
-No, magazines.
Hes in charge of the London office.
Whats this got to do with Bunny?
-lm temporarily in charge.
-What did you do this morning, Mr. Lake?
-After l left with Bunny?
-Yes, what did you do? Everything, please.
Lets see.
l waited at Frogmore End
for the moving men.
-Frogmore End.
lts a house where my boss lives.
Hes on a leave of absence right now
doing a job for the U.S. lnformation Agency.
l used to live with them as a paying guest,
and then when Ann and Bunny came...
-we stayed there till we could move here.
-Five nights, l think.
Four nights. Then we moved in here.
-Why not move here right away?
-The flat wasnt ready until today.
So l waited at Frogmore End
for the moving men.
Then l went to the airport
to cover the arrival of--
-How is all this helping Bunny?
-l dont know yet. Go on, Mr. Lake.
-Then l went back to the office.
Grosvenor St. l stayed there
until my sister called me from the school.