Bunny Lake Is Missing

Why do you leave so much money
lying around?

l was supposed to go
to Switzerland tomorrow...

to cover
the lnternational Monetary Conference--

-You work for an American newspaper?
-No, magazines.

Hes in charge of the London office.
Whats this got to do with Bunny?

-lm temporarily in charge.
-What did you do this morning, Mr. Lake?

-After l left with Bunny?
-Yes, what did you do? Everything, please.

Lets see.
l waited at Frogmore End
for the moving men.

-Frogmore End.

lts a house where my boss lives.
Hes on a leave of absence right now
doing a job for the U.S. lnformation Agency.

l used to live with them as a paying guest,
and then when Ann and Bunny came...

-we stayed there till we could move here.
-Five nights, l think.

Four nights. Then we moved in here.
-Why not move here right away?
-The flat wasnt ready until today.

So l waited at Frogmore End
for the moving men.

Then l went to the airport
to cover the arrival of--

-How is all this helping Bunny?
-l dont know yet. Go on, Mr. Lake.

-Then l went back to the office.

Grosvenor St. l stayed there
until my sister called me from the school.

Very well. lll telephone you
the moment we have anything to report.

-Andrews knows what l want.

You wont mind
if they take some pictures, fingerprints?

l dont understand.
l dont see how a child can just disappear.

Either youve been the victim
of a very eccentric burglar...

-Or what?

-...the childs things never were here.
-l unpacked them myself.

l remember.
Now l want you to try and remember...

who else saw the child
since you came to England...

apart from you and your brother?
Just try to think of anyone else
who saw her.

-Who saw Bunny?
-Will you think hard about that, please?

Let me have a list.
