- Dost thou hear me, Hal?
- Ay, and mark thee too, Jack.
Do so, for it is worth
listening to.
- These nine I told thee of...
- So, two more already.
...began to give me ground, but
I came in foot and hand...
...and with a thought...
...seven of the eleven... I paid.
- They are eleven now.
But as the devil would have...
...it three misbegotten knaves
in green, came at my back...
...and let drive at me.
For it was so dark, Hal, that...
...thou couldst not see thy hand.
- These lies are like...
...the father that begett'd them.
Why, thou clay-brained guts...
...thou non patted fool,
thou whoreson...
...obscene, swine...
- What, art thou mad?
- Is not the truth, the truth?
- Why, how couldst thou know...
...this men in green, when it was
so dark thou couldst not see?
- Come, tell us your reason.
- Come, your reason, Jack.
What, upon compulsion?
No, were I at the strappado.
I would not tell you on
I'll be no longer guilty of this
sin, this sanguine coward.
This horse back-breaker, this
huge hill of flesh!
Away you, starveling!
You elf-skin...
...you dried neat's tongue!
O for breathe to utter
what is like thee!
You tailor's yard, you seath,
you bow-case, you vile stuck!
Well, breathe awhile, and
then to it again.
We two saw you four
set on four;...
...mark now, how a plain tale
shall put you down.
Falstaff, you carried your
guts away as nimbly and still...
...ran and roared, as ever
I heard a bull-calf.
What a slave art thou to hack
sword as tho hast done...
...and say it was in fight. What
trick canst thou now find out...
...to hide thee, from this shame?
- Jack, what trick hast thou now?
By the Lord, I knew ye as well
as he that made ye.
Was it for me to kill
the heir apparent?