Campanadas a medianoche

I'll be no longer guilty of this
sin, this sanguine coward.

This horse back-breaker, this
huge hill of flesh!

Away you, starveling!
You elf-skin...

:25:12 dried neat's tongue!
O for breathe to utter
what is like thee!

You tailor's yard, you seath,
you bow-case, you vile stuck!

Well, breathe awhile, and
then to it again.

We two saw you four
set on four;...

...mark now, how a plain tale
shall put you down.

Falstaff, you carried your
guts away as nimbly and still...

...ran and roared, as ever
I heard a bull-calf.

What a slave art thou to hack
sword as tho hast done...

...and say it was in fight. What
trick canst thou now find out...

:25:48 hide thee, from this shame?
- Jack, what trick hast thou now?

By the Lord, I knew ye as well
as he that made ye.

Was it for me to kill
the heir apparent?

Why, thou knowest I am as
valiant as Hercules, but...

...beware instinct. The lion will
not touch the true prince.

I was a coward on instinct.
- I am glad you have the money.
- My lord, my prince!

Marry, my lord, there is a noble
man would speak with you.

What's the matter?
He comes on behalf of thy father.
Give him as much as thee canst,
and send him back to my mother.

- What manner of man is he?
- An old man.

What doth gravity out of his
bed at midnight?

- Shall I give him answer?
- Pr'ythee, do, Ned.

Lock the doors, keep vigil
to-day and pray to-morrow...

...lads, dost you want to enjoy?
- Lets put up a comedy.
- A comedy?

Thou wilt be horribly chid
tomorrow when thou comes to...

...thy father, if you love him,
practise an answer.

- Do thou stand for my father.
- Shall I? Content.

This chair shall be my state,
and this cushion... my crown.
