Cat Ballou

What happened?
-He freed my prisoner.
-Who did?

That Bible-thumper that
was with the girl.

-That young lady in lower five?
-Yeah, that's her!

Right here.
Hey, you in there. Hey, girl!
Come on, miss, wake up! The
sheriff wants to talk to you.

Where'd the parson go?
Did you see him?

And my prisoner?
Maybe he's in the next car.
Come on!

I shouldn't have done that!
Oh, sure you should, honey.
No question about it
in my mind at all.

It was morally wrong.
But it happened so fast,
l didn't know what to think.

I was afraid he'd hurt you.
That's right!
You know,
he'd have blowed my head off!

What are you doing?
I got a catarrhal condition.
Well, you're too close.
Scoot back.

Don't think l was offering
unwelcome advances!

I put women on a pedestal, l do.
I'm up against the side.
It's gonna get mighty uncomfortable!
You won't be here
long enough for that.

Get out of here
the moment it's safe!

That's what l'm anxious to do!
You think l care to stay
any longer than needed?

There are still people out there.
I guess l'll just have to stay put then.
Even though it goes
against my very grain.

You take your arm away this second!
I am supposed to be a schoolteacher!
I'll scream!
I was only gonna see
if the coast is clear!
