I got a catarrhal condition.
Well, you're too close.
Scoot back.
Don't think l was offering
unwelcome advances!
I put women on a pedestal, l do.
I'm up against the side.
It's gonna get mighty uncomfortable!
You won't be here
long enough for that.
Get out of here
the moment it's safe!
That's what l'm anxious to do!
You think l care to stay
any longer than needed?
There are still people out there.
I guess l'll just have to stay put then.
Even though it goes
against my very grain.
You take your arm away this second!
I am supposed to be a schoolteacher!
I'll scream!
I was only gonna see
if the coast is clear!
There's gents out there with shotguns.
What are we going to do?
-You can't stay here!
-I hate shotguns, don't you?
I mean, they leave
such an oozy corpse.
But there's one chance
in 1 00 l can make it.
I'll take that chance
for your sake!
You a schoolteacher and all.
No, wait!
I'd rather get cut down in the
prime of my young manhood...
...than risk compromising
a nice girl like you.
If they get me, though...
...l want you should have
my watch and chain.
Oh, this is awful!
Ain't it though?
You get away!
I just gotta watch what's
going on, don't l?
I'll do the watching.
You get away!
I thought you were lying.
You mean l wasn't?
All right, let's get this one.