Wake up! Here, take this.
You show it to someone
if you lose your way.
Professor Boris Kurt. And, you find him.
Now, go on.
Professor Boris Kurt.
But, Boris, this is genius.
Really, I thought it was Rachmaninoff?.
I'm going for a smoke.
And how's the general practitioner?
A bit scared of his finals.
Well, I don't think he need be.
How do you like the idea of marrying
a general practitioner?
I like it very much.
But no general practitioner has asked me.
I thought you nomads were hot-blooded.
A slow lot, these general practitioners.
How do you fancy
a professor of pathology?
Does he write poetry?
Alas, no.
Then I'm afraid it's out of the question.
Excuse me.
That's a marvelous girl, Zhivago.
Yes, I'd noticed.
It's for you.