Doctor Zhivago

And how's the general practitioner?
A bit scared of his finals.
Well, I don't think he need be.
How do you like the idea of marrying
a general practitioner?

I like it very much.
But no general practitioner has asked me.

I thought you nomads were hot-blooded.
A slow lot, these general practitioners.
How do you fancy
a professor of pathology?

Does he write poetry?
Alas, no.
Then I'm afraid it's out of the question.
Excuse me.

That's a marvelous girl, Zhivago.
Yes, I'd noticed.
It's for you.
How would the poet like to see
a bit of general practice?

Boris, thank God you've come.
This is very good of you, Boris.

Yes, I know it is. My assistant.
- How do you do?
- Where is she?

This way.
When did she do it?
About eight o'clock this evening.
Do you know what it was?
Why didn't you get a local doctor?
- I couldn't.
- No, I suppose you couldn't.
