Obchod na korze

The whoIe town taIks
of nothing eIse.

Even LittIe Tibie is working
at the site,

I even saw oId Iame Frank there,
even DzuriIIa, and Kamenicky.

That's nonsense...
you don't understand anything.

I don't understand?
Didn't I teII you:
they are buiIding the monument

without even Mr. Brtko's heIp?
And there it is!

The heII they are! I wonder
where they got the money from.

The money? Just go and see
for yourseIf!

I'II go when I feeI Iike going.
Of course, you know best.
You are too stuck-up to go
and see your own brother-in-Iaw.

TeII Mark, others are fighting
at the front.

Let me heIp.
You'II make Iots of money.

-We couId Iive weII.
-To heII with Mark!

You'd be sick to use
the Fascist greeting, what?

I am not a parrot.
You think your arm wouId go numb
if you raised it in greeting?

At your service, madam!
Everybody eIse is smarter
than you!

-Shut up!

The workshop!
It's a waste of time taIking
to you! As if you were deaf...

Essenc! Come on!
Where are you going now?
Dress myself to look real smart,
for my beloved, my sweetheart

To heII with her...
she keeps ordering me about.

Go to town - go!
Go to the workshop - go!

Nothing but go, go, go!
Look who's here!
Run away, Essenc, no!
