It's a waste of time taIking
to you! As if you were deaf...
Essenc! Come on!
Where are you going now?
Dress myself to look real smart,
for my beloved, my sweetheart
To heII with her...
she keeps ordering me about.
Go to town - go!
Go to the workshop - go!
Nothing but go, go, go!
Look who's here!
Run away, Essenc, no!
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
HeIIo, Mr. BIumenfeId!
Good day to you!
Essenc! Where's your master?
Hey, Tony! Now what's wrong?
Are you cross with me?
-I'm in a hurry.
-You're aIways in a hurry!
Come...I want to have
a word with you!
That wooden monument won't
run away!
You know what I mean.