Gloria in excelsis Deo!
HeIIo, Mr. BIumenfeId!
Good day to you!
Essenc! Where's your master?
Hey, Tony! Now what's wrong?
Are you cross with me?
-I'm in a hurry.
-You're aIways in a hurry!
Come...I want to have
a word with you!
That wooden monument won't
run away!
You know what I mean.
It's a dirty job...I have onIy
one arm and one souI -
but I advise you,
most sincereIy,
keep your hands off that dirty
business! Fascist poIitics.
Geza, I Ieft my money at home.
Essenc! Beg niceIy!
WeII, that's nice! Here.
SIowIy! SIowIy!
Over to the right!