Good evening!
What - cat got your tongue?
Here you are, Tony!
Some medicine for you! Catch!
Oh, God!
Just Iook at him!
HeIp! HeIp! The deIuge!
Save your souIs!
Now Iook what he's done...
just Iike a baby.
So what? SpIashing about
Iike a chiId, spIashing.
You do have funny ideas, Mark!
Forgive this mess -
I'II cIean it up right away.
Don't stand Iike a statue
in the puddIe!
Let's have a rag and a broom,
hurry up! A rag!
I don't want you to do that!
I toId him not to soak his feet
in the kitchen but in the yard
but he just won't Iisten.
Here! And wipe it weII!
Rosie, my dear.
AII this work is our fauIt.
Of course not! That's nothing.
I aIways said to Tony: Watch out,
bIood is thicker than water.
What's aII the fuss about!
Look what I've got! Look!
You've never seen so much food
in your Iife.
Like in the deIicatessen's
But that's nothing, EveIyn.
Mark came home
from the office and said:
Hurry up, Rosie,
we're going out to visit peopIe.
I said, visit whom?
Tony and EveIyn, he said.
We can't put it off any Ionger.
Of course he didn't have
to ask me twice!
HeII and damnation,
we forgot the caviar at home!
Hurry up, Tony, get the gIasses!
From the sideboard!
We shouIdn't have come without
the caviar!
What a thing to do!
We shouIdn't have!
Let me see your hat.
Did you buy it
at the Modiste's on main street?
So beautiful!
Hey, Iook! It's a fire!
Christ! Water...
get water, quickIy!
Tony, don't just dance around!