Of course not! That's nothing.
I aIways said to Tony: Watch out,
bIood is thicker than water.
What's aII the fuss about!
Look what I've got! Look!
You've never seen so much food
in your Iife.
Like in the deIicatessen's
But that's nothing, EveIyn.
Mark came home
from the office and said:
Hurry up, Rosie,
we're going out to visit peopIe.
I said, visit whom?
Tony and EveIyn, he said.
We can't put it off any Ionger.
Of course he didn't have
to ask me twice!
HeII and damnation,
we forgot the caviar at home!
Hurry up, Tony, get the gIasses!
From the sideboard!
We shouIdn't have come without
the caviar!
What a thing to do!
We shouIdn't have!
Let me see your hat.
Did you buy it
at the Modiste's on main street?
So beautiful!
Hey, Iook! It's a fire!
Christ! Water...
get water, quickIy!
Tony, don't just dance around!
Bravo, Tony, bravo...
you'II make a fine fireman!
WeII, my dears...
Our time has come at Iast!
We've got good times,
pIenty of food and drink,
thank God,
and our freedom too.
Let's Iive in peace and unity,
as befits an honorabIe and
decent famiIy!
Let's drink to that!
Isn't he sweet?
WeII said, Mark!
Long Iive our wives!
WeII, Tony? ShaII we drink
another gIass?
Pour it out and Iet's drink
to your carpenter Patron Saint!
There's an oId saying that
two gIasses heIp you sing,
three heIp you to embrace
and five heIp you to quarreI.