Obchod na korze

Not a Iady...Sekerak,
the carter...

poor man
ate fish aII his Iife.

I mean on Sundays - week days
they had porridge or potatoes.

On Sabbath, a fish
is the best thing.

I don't know.
It's easy to make: you need
trout, an onion, carrots.

Mrs. Lautmann, I didn't come
for recipes...

I...for heaven's sake,
where did I put it?

Here! Read it!
I was afraid I had Iost it.

PIease, forgive me... I don't
see weII enough to read.

You don't see weII enough?

I have been appointed Aryan
manager of your shop.

Excuse me?
Your shop.
Oh, you want buttons!
We've got them.

We've got cotton buttons,
steeI buttons, big ones,

smaII ones for shirt...
A nice seIection.

Listen, Mrs. Lautmann!
I'II try to expIain.

You are Jewish, right?
WeII, and I am an Aryan.

The Jewish shops are aII gone!
That's the Iaw.

Now onIy Aryans
can keep shops.

That's what they caII
''Aryanization''. Understand?

I don't.
You don't understand.
Yes, here it is,
aII in bIack and white.

I am your Aryan...and you are
my Jewess. Do you understand?
