Obchod na korze

A shop-keeper must think of
his honor first, right?

WeII, am I right, Mr. Krtko...
am I right?

This is what I brought
from the WaIdes-factory.

Here! And this is...wait...
am I right?

Am I right?
Yes...you are right...
you are right.

Good day!
Oh, Imre! Imre!
Brtko! What are you doing
here? Buying buttons for EveIyn?

Imre - I've been waiting for you
since morning.

Don't be angry...I've
brought you a fish for Sabbath.

A fish you've never
had before!

You'II have enough
to invite even Brtko.

Mr. Brtko has been waiting
quite Iong aIready.

I thought he was a baiIiff
from the court in Brno.

Brtke the baiIiff?
You are aII dressed up, that's
why the poor oId souI thought...

WeII...I'II come another time.
Wait, Tony, wait!
Don't worry...there's nothing
to worry about.

Everything's aII right...Look,
RosaIie, make us a cup of tea.


It won't take a minute.

A nice cup of tea...
the way you aIways do.

We'II join you in a second.
WeII? What?
WeII, I say.
I swear to God I didn't do
anything to get it.

You didn't do anything -
and yet you've been appointed
manager of her shop?

If I didn't take it,
someone eIse wouId.

Now that's enough! Don't be rude!
I am no fooI.
