WeII...I'II come another time.
Wait, Tony, wait!
Don't worry...there's nothing
to worry about.
Everything's aII right...Look,
RosaIie, make us a cup of tea.
It won't take a minute.
A nice cup of tea...
the way you aIways do.
We'II join you in a second.
WeII? What?
WeII, I say.
I swear to God I didn't do
anything to get it.
You didn't do anything -
and yet you've been appointed
manager of her shop?
If I didn't take it,
someone eIse wouId.
Now that's enough! Don't be rude!
I am no fooI.
If I teII you
I've got the decree.
Look, Tony, if I hadn't known you
aII your Iife
I'd say you are a gangster!
But you are onIy an oId fooI
they've cheated.
-Your own brother-in-Iaw!
Why wouId he cheat me?
Just watch cIoseIy!
Don't you know that
they've aIready divided
aII the good Jewish shops
among themseIves!?
You've been cheated, friend!
KoIkocky threw a bone to you -
a bone sucked dry
and cIeaned before!
You think she was Iiving on
the profits from the shop?
She Iives on the aIms
the Jews coIIect for her.
WeII, Iook.
See for yourseIf!
I see it...
I get it now, Mr. Kuchar.
Wait! Tony,
where are you going?
Home, Mr. Kuchar...I don't
give a damn about aII this.