I'm coming.
That's enough! HoId it - hoId it!
Now puII!
Ho-rup! Ho-rup! Ho-rup!
HaIt! HaIt!
Let go! Over...over...over...
Enough! Enough! HaIt!
Hey, Mr. Neighbor!
HeIIo, Mr. Andric!
Going home? Going home?
Come here. I've got
something to teII you.
WeII, what is it?
What is this?
Why are you so serious?
Did something happen?
Something terribIe is going
to happen...I know it.
You don't say...
What is it?
Last night I deIivered
a whoIe train of cattIe-trucks.
The Fascist Guards heIped me.
The station is fuII of them.
They've come
to take the Jews.
I guess peopIe
are onIy taIking.
I don't know...
I just don't Iike it.
The whoIe town is
taIking about it.
Danko! Danko!
He isn't here!
Good day, Mr. Andric! Have you
seen my boy Danko?