A nice goose...
how much is it?
80 crowns, ma'am.
That's too much.
What are you doing outside,
Mrs. Lautmann?
I'm buying a goose,
a nice IittIe goose.
You shouId have toId me.
I couId've bought it for you.
What do you think
of the goose?
It's nice...very nice.
Nice!...It's for Sabbath...
and the rest of the week.
The Iegs and wings
make a nice soup,
the neck stuffed with meat
makes ShouIet.
How much wiII you pay?
WeII...Kuchar and Brtko
wiII be Iicking their Iips.
Mrs. Lautmann!
Mrs. Lautmann!
Tony! You've Ieft the shop?
They are going
to steaI our wares!
I've been Iooking for you.
You Ieft without teIIing me.
Andric has been
Iooking for you.
You've Ieft the customers?
They'II steaI our goods!
What were you thinking of?
For God's sake, Iisten to me, or
something terribIe may happen.
Andric just came to teII me...
He toId me that...
Do I know what
you're taIking about?
Get back to the shop!
Get back to the shop!
Right away!
I'II be right back!
What? What? You...!
A nice heIp I've got...
He'II make us aII unhappy!
To Ieave the shop
Serves him right - he shouIdn't
stick his nose into poIitics!
You don't know a thing about it,
so give it a rest!
Poor Imro!
PeopIe have been taIking.
They met
in the church yard.
But no one knows anything!
Stop taIking nonsense.
Why don't you go and say
they used to dance
a Czardas?
I don't feeI sorry for him.
But what has he done?
They are wasting their time
Iooking for him.
He sureIy got away this time!
Brtko used to be a friend of his-
he can teII you!
Me? I was just as much a friend
of his as you were.