Obchod na korze

For God's sake, Iisten to me, or
something terribIe may happen.

Andric just came to teII me...
He toId me that...

Do I know what
you're taIking about?

Get back to the shop!
Get back to the shop!

Right away!
I'II be right back!

What? What? You...!
A nice heIp I've got...
He'II make us aII unhappy!

To Ieave the shop

Serves him right - he shouIdn't
stick his nose into poIitics!

You don't know a thing about it,
so give it a rest!

Poor Imro!
PeopIe have been taIking.
They met
in the church yard.

But no one knows anything!
Stop taIking nonsense.
Why don't you go and say

they used to dance
a Czardas?

I don't feeI sorry for him.
But what has he done?
They are wasting their time
Iooking for him.

He sureIy got away this time!
Brtko used to be a friend of his-
he can teII you!

Me? I was just as much a friend
of his as you were.

Don't Iet anyone in!
Yes, sir!
Go away, aII of you!
This isn't a circus or a fair!

Have you seen Kuchar?
Come in and Iisten to what
BeIko has come to teII us.

Shut the door behind you!
HeIIo, Tony!
He brought me a written order -
from the Commander's office.

I asked him which commander.
There's one on every corner.

AII right,
so what is it you have?

And he said: ''Mr. BaIko -
your band wiII turn up in
fuII dress uniforms on Saturday!''

''Why?'' I said - and he said to me:
''You'II be pIaying for the Jews
to cheer up their departure!''

He wanted a band...my band...
The bastard!

He's made a mistake,
our Marian!

He'II never get my band, never!
I swear to God - never!

Nowadays, everything's possibIe,
Mr. Brtko...everything.

You don't beIieve me?
Read this.

Pay attention...your dear
brother-in-Iaw wrote me.
