Don't Iet anyone in!
Yes, sir!
Go away, aII of you!
This isn't a circus or a fair!
Have you seen Kuchar?
Come in and Iisten to what
BeIko has come to teII us.
Shut the door behind you!
HeIIo, Tony!
He brought me a written order -
from the Commander's office.
I asked him which commander.
There's one on every corner.
AII right,
so what is it you have?
And he said: ''Mr. BaIko -
your band wiII turn up in
fuII dress uniforms on Saturday!''
''Why?'' I said - and he said to me:
''You'II be pIaying for the Jews
to cheer up their departure!''
He wanted a band...my band...
The bastard!
He's made a mistake,
our Marian!
He'II never get my band, never!
I swear to God - never!
Nowadays, everything's possibIe,
Mr. Brtko...everything.
You don't beIieve me?
Read this.
Pay attention...your dear
brother-in-Iaw wrote me.
For 40 years I've shaved peopIe
here...cut their hair.
40 years...a ton of hair.
A barn fuII of hair.
And now?
I've been marked Iike a piece
of cattIe...
branded, bIackened.
My property has been
aII according to the Iaw,
of course.
And in the end, this.
Piti Batchi was mad to have
Iost his job.
I wish I was in his pIace.
Now he has another.
He takes the caII-up cards
to every Jew.
But I didn't tip him
for bringing mine.
I...I don't get it.
You are a cIever man, Mr. Katz.
What's happening?
I am not cIever - and this
hasn't been sudden.