I don't know...
I don't understand.
But I'm sure of one thing:
when the Iaws go
against innocent peopIe -
that's the end! The end
of those who passed them.
And you...Mr. Katz?
Are you reaIIy going?
Mr. Brtko, teII me I'm packing
for a Sunday picnic.
Haven't you seen the armed guards
in town and everywhere?
What eIse do you want?
Do you want me to form
a battaIion with oId Mr. BIau -
Mrs. Lautmann and myseIf
and attack the Fascist Guards?
WouId you join us, Mr. Brtko?
I...I have to be going.
I onIy thought
that next Wednesday...
just Iike this week.
Yes, my friend,
this is the end of our sweet
IittIe business arrangement!
But, of course...
one never knows.
PeopIe have been saying
we'II be back in the autumn!
In autumn...
I bet.
WeII - goodbye then, Mr. Katz.
Goodbye, Brtko.
We have to hope that
our dear Lord wiII send you
crowds of customers...
to make up for your Ioss.
Watch yourseIf, Mr. Brtko!
WeII, didn't I predict that?
We are Slovaks born and bred,
none of us will come
empty handed out of this.