Yes, my friend,
this is the end of our sweet
IittIe business arrangement!
But, of course...
one never knows.
PeopIe have been saying
we'II be back in the autumn!
In autumn...
I bet.
WeII - goodbye then, Mr. Katz.
Goodbye, Brtko.
We have to hope that
our dear Lord wiII send you
crowds of customers...
to make up for your Ioss.
Watch yourseIf, Mr. Brtko!
WeII, didn't I predict that?
We are Slovaks born and bred,
none of us will come
empty handed out of this.
Fight to the death,
fight hard -
till Slovaks rule
their own country.
Left - one, two!
Fight to the death, fight hard -
until Slovaks rule in Slovakia .
...and the Prophet
took off his robe.
My assistant wiII Iove his
Sabbath dinner...