You promised to find out where
she keeps the goId.
You don't know anything!
You haven't checked
within the waIIs,
or puIIed up the fIoors!
What do you do, aII day Iong?
Why did you take
your tooIs aIong?
The oId hag wiII take her goId
to the grave! And us?
I warned you:
do something, make her teII you!
Don't trust her. Make her teII
you where she hides her weaIth!
TeII me what we are going
to do? You cIumsy fooI!
You! Tony! Tony!
For God's sake,
you're out of your mind!
Why are you beating me?
You, you hitting me?
You? Me? Tony!
You pig! You swine!
You brute!
Leave me aIone!
I'II keep quiet.
I won't say a word! Tony!
Tony! Tony! My dear.
My Tony!...Tony!
It's easy for one person
to disappear.
Maybe we couId find a pIace
to hide her in...a barn...
a wine ceIIar...or in a town
where she couId hide.