Obchod na korze

It's easy for one person
to disappear.

Maybe we couId find a pIace
to hide her in...a barn...

a wine ceIIar...or in a town
where she couId hide.

-Two more?

Wait! Bring the whoIe bottIe!
But we'd have to do it today...
tonight, I mean...weII?

What? Do what
you think is right.

It's a shame to stick your nose
into such business.

Let this be a warning to you!
We are going to catch aII
Jew-BoIshevists, Freemasons,

pIutocrats and other riff-raff
and have no mercy on them.

The commander said:
we've caught that
bird Kuchar aIready,

now we'II put him
into a nice IittIe cage,

to show him off, and Iater
we'II shoot him Iike a dog -

or hang him!
Or both!


FoIIow me! You'II see something
you've never seen!
