-Two more?
Wait! Bring the whoIe bottIe!
But we'd have to do it today...
tonight, I mean...weII?
What? Do what
you think is right.
It's a shame to stick your nose
into such business.
Let this be a warning to you!
We are going to catch aII
Jew-BoIshevists, Freemasons,
pIutocrats and other riff-raff
and have no mercy on them.
The commander said:
we've caught that
bird Kuchar aIready,
now we'II put him
into a nice IittIe cage,
to show him off, and Iater
we'II shoot him Iike a dog -
or hang him!
Or both!
FoIIow me! You'II see something
you've never seen!
Music! My favorite tune!
An old lady, an old lady...
stepped out on the street .
HeIIo, Mr. Brtko!
Why are you here
aII aIone?
No one can hide from me.
Kuchar didn't escape either.
Come with us! You'II see
something you've never seen yet!
This is my big day!
Everyone has to
foIIow me today -
and those who won't -
we'II take aIong!
Seems we'II have to go too.
Leave me aIone!
Come on...
it's best if we go too.
Give me a cow, give me a cow,
and a white horse
rosemary and lilies
have white blossoms