Music! My favorite tune!
An old lady, an old lady...
stepped out on the street .
HeIIo, Mr. Brtko!
Why are you here
aII aIone?
No one can hide from me.
Kuchar didn't escape either.
Come with us! You'II see
something you've never seen yet!
This is my big day!
Everyone has to
foIIow me today -
and those who won't -
we'II take aIong!
Seems we'II have to go too.
Leave me aIone!
Come on...
it's best if we go too.
Give me a cow, give me a cow,
and a white horse
rosemary and lilies
have white blossoms
Attention, everybody!
One, two, three! Ah!
Quiet! Hush up! I'II have you
arrested - you drunks!
Look at this! Look
at the monument of our victory!
How beautifuI it is!
How taII! It's ours!
It's Iike a picture of a Saint -
with a haIo...The enemy.