Obchod na korze

PeopIe have quarreIed,
peopIe wiII quarreI again.

That's Iife...
it happens to the best peopIe.

You don't understand!
No one chased me away.

It's you I am worried about!
Did I ask you what happened?
I didn't

and you don't have to teII me.
Nothing! Not a word.

A hard bed, but you can stand it
for one night.

You'II go to sIeep and tomorrow
things wiII be aII right again.

But you must do something!
They'II take you away!

Tomorrow, you'II go back
to your wife.

You'II make up -
peopIe aIways do.

Good night!
Oh God...
What shaII I do?

l won't go! Go home...
your wife is waiting!

Slovak is my native language,
Slovak is my song.

SuddenIy everything seems
so quiet - doesn't it?

You couId have brushed off
your hat!
