Obchod na korze

l won't go! Go home...
your wife is waiting!

Slovak is my native language,
Slovak is my song.

SuddenIy everything seems
so quiet - doesn't it?

You couId have brushed off
your hat!

Never mind the hat! Everything
is so quiet - don't you think so?

You are dreaming.
It was onIy a bad dream.

Maybe you are right...
it must have been a bad dream.

To have a peacefuI heart, my boy,
that's a gift from God.

You sound Iike a Prophet,
Mrs. Lautmann.

I aIways Iiked you, Mrs. RosaIie.
Tony! I am not going
to cook today.

We'II go to Grunspan's for some

It was a terribIe dream -
Iike a weight on my heart.

We aII have our sorrows.
We aII know the past -
and no one knows the future.

Do you know - I've aIways feared
that wooden structure most...

That tower of BabeI - Now, did it
stand here or didn't it?

Don't you worry, my boy!
Fear was the root of aII eviI!

Once we are no Ionger afraid
of each other.
