Obchod na korze

What have I done? I never
wished anything bad for anyone!

I'm nothing.
I can't hurt anyone!

But you...oId maid,
you don't understand...

We repeat that you won't be
going far, only to labor camps.

We've all got to work,
this is the law!

Do you hear? Do you see?
Do you hear?
I don't understand....
That's the Iaw!
It can't be heIped!

I don't understand...
That's the Iaw.
It can't be heIped. A kind Iaw...

But I don't understand...
I don't understand either!
Don't worry, Mrs. Lautmann -

it won't be bad. You wiII go
and they wiII check-up

and say:
''She is too oId!''

You can teII them you are deaf
and Iame and iII!

Come on. Don't be afraid.
You want to say
goodbye to your neighbors?

Do you think they wiII prepare
a speciaI train for you?

What, what?
A transport! Do you think they'II
send a speciaI one for you?

What, transport?
Watch. The Jews are
being deported. AII of them!

Do you think they are going
to keep you here?
