Mrs. Lautmann, I beg you.
In the name of the AImighty...
and your Moses and
aII the saints...
don't force me to throw
you out.
ShaII I shout even Iouder
right into your ears or what?
Kuchar! Where is Kuchar?
They've beaten him up
terribIy...Iike a dog...
they've caIIed him a
Jew-Iover. A white Jew.
Do you know what
that means?
A Jew...
A Jew...Jews...
a pogrom?
-A pogrom.
Mrs. Lautmann, don't run, wait.
Mrs. Lautmann, damn you!
Mrs. Lautmann, are you there?
Open the door.
If I wanted to, I couId...
Let me in, open the door!
You won't?
I know you're in there!
I know you are not deaf.
I know you are onIy pretending -
you oId maid.
You are pretending so you
can teII after the war
that I was a crueI manager.
An arisator.
An arisator.
Here you are, you oId maid.
You thought that by Iocking
yourseIf in you'II be safe,
that I couIdn't get in.
You are wrong.
I know you are not deaf.
You are onIy pretending.
You wiII go Iike aII the rest.
You'II go!
It's not my fauIt, Mrs. Lautmann.
It's either you or me.
I can't heIp it.
May God forgive you your sins
and mine too.