I will order him to begin.
In the name of Our Lord,
I order you to tell your story
to our guest.
I was born in Córdoba.
My father was prosperous.
You may leave
that out, Pasheko.
His mother died
three years ago,
and his father
decided to marry a young widow.
Camilla de Tormes.
They were
wed in Seville.
A few days later, my father
returned with his new wife...
and her sister, Inezillia.
My dear wife, my lady, I bought
some mules for your coach,
and for you, lovely Inezillia,
a sapphire ring.
You are the best husband, señor,
and brother-in-law.
Inezillia is ecstatic,
aren't you, Inezillia?
Thank you
with all my heart.
Do not eat fruit, Inezillia,
you know it is bad for you.
I am glad
you are happy.
Camilla, we would like to hear
your songs,
as we always do after lunch.
Oh yes, Camilla,
do sing for us!
Come with me, sister,
to get the instruments.