and for you, lovely Inezillia,
a sapphire ring.
You are the best husband, seƱor,
and brother-in-law.
Inezillia is ecstatic,
aren't you, Inezillia?
Thank you
with all my heart.
Do not eat fruit, Inezillia,
you know it is bad for you.
I am glad
you are happy.
Camilla, we would like to hear
your songs,
as we always do after lunch.
Oh yes, Camilla,
do sing for us!
Come with me, sister,
to get the instruments.
I beg your permission, Father,
to marry beautiful Inezillia.
We will go to Madrid and start
a wonderful life there.
Forget it, son.
First of all, it would be
unbecoming for you to be
your father's brother-in-law.
Secondly, church laws ban
such alliances, and thirdly...
I love her more
than my own life.
And thirdly...
I do not want you
to marry Inezillia.
Don't worry, Pasheko.
If your father won't allow you
to marry my sister,
there are no obstacles at all
to your being her lover.