Nothin'. There's some
footprints near the trees,
but they don't lead anywhere.
We haven't seen another man
since we left the house, Pa.
What do we do now?
Well, we'll...
go home.
And we'll pack up...
and we'll leave tonight.
It's late, Gabriel.
Won't Mr. Abernathy
be lookin' for you?
He's gone, missy.
Gone to Richmond.
Left the field boss in charge.
Won't he be wonderin'
where you are?
Old Jethro don't care
nothin' about me.
When my mama died,
he even took our cabin.
I don't gotta go back,
do I, missy?
Man say I'm free.
Don't that mean
I don't gotta go back?
Well, if the man said
you're free, Gabriel,
I guess that means you can
go anywhere in the world
you wanna go.
You mean I can just
walk on down that road
and keep on walkin'?
You can run if you like,
Good-bye, missy.