Man say I'm free.
Don't that mean
I don't gotta go back?
Well, if the man said
you're free, Gabriel,
I guess that means you can
go anywhere in the world
you wanna go.
You mean I can just
walk on down that road
and keep on walkin'?
You can run if you like,
Good-bye, missy.
We can probably make
better time, Pa,
if we stay off the roads.
We can cut across here
to the Rapidan.
There's a union camp
the other side of the fort.
Is that the closest?
Yes, sir.
Far as I know.
The ones that took the boy
were probably a few skirmishers.
I don't think we could find 'em.
You think they turned him
in as a prisoner?
It's about all they can do.
All right.
We'll try that one.
If you mount up,
I'll be with you directly.
[ Ann ]
Come in.
Hello, Papa Charlie.
I think she's gettin'
bigger than you are.