Will wants to marry me, Father.
Well, he can't marry you.
Sir Thomas, I'm called to the Bar.
Oh, congratulations, Roper.
My family may not be at the palace,
but in the city--
There's nothing wrong
with your family, Will.
There's not much wrong with you.
Except you seem to need a clock.
I can buy a clock, sir.
Roper, the answer is no...
...and will be no as long as you're a heretic.
Now, that's a word I don't like,
Sir Thomas!
It's not a likeable word or thing.
The Church is heretical!
Dr. Luther's proved that to my satisfaction!
Luther is an excommunicate!
From a heretic Church!
Church? It's a shop!
-Salvation by the shilling! And divorces!
-Will, no!
-What I know, I'll say!
-You've no sense of the place!
He's no sense of the time.
Now listen well.
Two years ago you were
a passionate churchman.
Now you're a passionate Lutheran.
We must just pray
that when your head's finished turning...
...your face is to the front again.
-ls your horse here?
-No, sir, I walked.
Well, take a horse from the stables
and get back home.
Go along.
May I come again?
Yes. Soon.
Is that final, Father?
As long as he's a heretic, Meg,
that's absolute.
What did Wolsey want?
Nice boy, young Will.
Terribly strong principles, though.
Clumsy, too.
-You're very pensive.
-You're very gay.