Now listen well.
Two years ago you were
a passionate churchman.
Now you're a passionate Lutheran.
We must just pray
that when your head's finished turning...
...your face is to the front again.
-ls your horse here?
-No, sir, I walked.
Well, take a horse from the stables
and get back home.
Go along.
May I come again?
Yes. Soon.
Is that final, Father?
As long as he's a heretic, Meg,
that's absolute.
What did Wolsey want?
Nice boy, young Will.
Terribly strong principles, though.
Clumsy, too.
-You're very pensive.
-You're very gay.
Was it the divorce?
To bed.
They're a cantankerous lot, the Ropers.
Always swimming against the stream.
Old Roper was just the same--
You don't want to talk about it.
-I'm sorry you were awakened, chick.
-I wasn't sleeping very deeply.
What did Wolsey want?
-Will Roper's been.
-Will Roper?
Yes, he's been here all night.
He wants to marry Meg.
-Why you don't beat that girl l--
She's full of education
and it's a delicate commodity.
Goodnight, Meg.
Marry Meg. A lawyer's son.
Well, she's a lawyer's daughter.
Norfolk spoke of you
for Chancellor of England before he left.