Mr. Kelly, this is
Captain Angus Ferguson of Glasgow.
- Captain.
- Isn't he magnificent?
Aye, it's good when they adore you,
especially when they're half your age.
Or could it be the wee gifts
I bring her in my ship?
The French perfumes
and silk nighties?
- Let's dance.
- I'm not used to a ballroom.
There are many stout lads
to stretch your muscles.
If you don't put your arm around me
now, I'll take you up on that.
I will dance the whole night through
with you in my rooms.
Angus, you're a devil.
No use telling her
it's my farewell night, is there?
Not till morning, that is.
Which one of you will help me
make an old sea dog jealous?
Rank does have its responsibilities.
Go ahead, darling.
So I weigh anchor tomorrow evening,
courtesy of Secretary Harrison.
After four months wait
and a good deal more effort...
...than a Scotsman cares to spend.
For mercy sakes, no, Mr. Kelly.
That stuff there will
distemper a whale.
Here, you take a taste of this.
Blessed nectar from Scotland.
Will you believe it, there are
1 000 bottles of that aboard my ship?
Sounds like paradise.
I was commissioned to run it
in here, but then I found...
Confederate money isn't worth
the match to burn it with.
Aye, so I'll take it to New York.
Heavens, Mr. Kelly, don't tell me
the currency there is still wampum.
Mr. Kelly, you have my flask!
If I may suggest, Miss Pickering,
the punch is pale.
This will improve the colour.
You're gallant enough
to be a Virginian.
And your beauty goes beyond
the bounds of geography.
I'm Alvarez Kelly.
And you've learned my name
and a few particulars.