Alvarez Kelly

As you wish, sir.
Amusing picture.
Boatload of seasick cows, all standing
with their heads over the rail.

Not priceless, Steadman?
Yes, sir.
But you're troubled.
Sir, I think there's something
in what Mclntyre was saying.

Shipping cows from Mexico?
No, sir. Cattle closer to home.
Are we being exposed to the
legal mind at work, major?

It's Kelly spending all that time
with Rossiter.

Are you suggesting
Kelly and Rossiter...

...are concocting a scheme
to steal your herd?

Yes, sir.
Grant has an army around Richmond.
Rossiter has to get his cavalry out...
...and the cattle in.
Now, plead your case.
Anything else?
Request the general assign me
additional troops.

If anybody tries to steal
one of your precious cows...

...just telegraph me.
I promise to come a-running.

Get the officers in here.
Colonel Kelly will stay with me.
Colonel, huh?
I just made you lieutenant colonel...
...for the period of the raid.
Aren't you taking a risk,
giving me that kind of authority?

When we get those cattle,
I'll be needing you to crack the whip.
