...and the cattle in.
Now, plead your case.
Anything else?
Request the general assign me
additional troops.
If anybody tries to steal
one of your precious cows...
...just telegraph me.
I promise to come a-running.
Get the officers in here.
Colonel Kelly will stay with me.
Colonel, huh?
I just made you lieutenant colonel...
...for the period of the raid.
Aren't you taking a risk,
giving me that kind of authority?
When we get those cattle,
I'll be needing you to crack the whip.
You want to share the fun?
I doubt if you'd appreciate it.
- I like to laugh.
- I know you do.
Of course, this harebrained scheme
is enough to make any man giddy.
Well, it's not my scheme
making you giddy.
It's yours.
- How many guesses do I get?
- You don't need any.
That's bright of you, though,
not to try to shake Hatcher off...
...a second time.
I wouldn't do a foolish thing
like that.
I bet you wouldn't.
My goodness.
Parting with all that money.
For nothing.
It's a pity.
Considering what money means to you.