I served in Germany
under General "blood-and-guts" Patton.
You're a pussycat.
You can't expect a boy to die
in somebody else's pants.
The Palmach fight barefoot in the hills...
...while the stores
in Allenby Road have sales.
I'm the unofficial minister of defense
of an unrecognized government.
I have no authority to requisition supplies.
If you can't get supplies,
break through the window...
...and take what you want.
Just remember...
...the world doesn't pity the slaughtered.
- It only respects those who fight.
- We haven't been fighting?
Not to win. Look, you're like this:
The Palmach, Haganah,
Irgun, Sterngang, government...
You're all pulling in every direction.
But if you can unify them
under one command...
...then you'll have one army
that can move fast and hit hard.
- You can help us do this?
- I don't know.
I don't know if anyone can.
There isn't much time.
But if you want to use me,
and gamble I know what I'm doing...
...then you must give me a free hand.
Absolute authority to consolidate
all your forces immediately.
- That's all you want?
- Yes, that's all I want.
You must understand
we're very new at this business.
Our Haganah and our Palmach
are wonderful, brave, boys and girls.
But, like children of the same family,
they're jealous of each other.
What about the other groups?
- The Irgun?
- Yes.
Also very brave.
Listens to no one,
conducts its own war against the British.
The Sternists? Brave.
And occasionally shoot at us, bravely.
We could have a very nice little war
here without the Arabs.
You want me to give you
absolute authority over all of them?
If you can find out how to get it,
please let me know...
...because if, God forbid,
anything went wrong...
...it'd be nice to have an American
to blame it on.
- I guess the meeting's over.
- Look, try to understand.
We're in the importing business.
We import people.
That's the reason we're here.
We only fight because we have to.