- That's all you want?
- Yes, that's all I want.
You must understand
we're very new at this business.
Our Haganah and our Palmach
are wonderful, brave, boys and girls.
But, like children of the same family,
they're jealous of each other.
What about the other groups?
- The Irgun?
- Yes.
Also very brave.
Listens to no one,
conducts its own war against the British.
The Sternists? Brave.
And occasionally shoot at us, bravely.
We could have a very nice little war
here without the Arabs.
You want me to give you
absolute authority over all of them?
If you can find out how to get it,
please let me know...
...because if, God forbid,
anything went wrong...
...it'd be nice to have an American
to blame it on.
- I guess the meeting's over.
- Look, try to understand.
We're in the importing business.
We import people.
That's the reason we're here.
We only fight because we have to.
We have no quarrel with the Arabs,
only with their leaders.
We still hope for an agreement.
The traditional greeting
in this country is "Shalom. "
The olive branch hasn't worked
around here...
...since Noah ran the ark into a mountain.
Col. Marcus, don't think we're ungrateful.
You write those manuals.
Go, inspect. Go to the Negev.
Go especially with the convoys
to Jerusalem...
...for there is our greatest danger.
Make your reports,
your recommendations, please.
All right. I'll try it your way.
I'll advise. I'll observe.
You need a lot more than advice,
or the night of May 15...
...you'll be wading in the Mediterranean.
Maybe. Maybe not.
We might be even tougher pussycats
than anyone has any idea.
We'll see.
He's been in the Negev desert
on an inspection tour.