We have no quarrel with the Arabs,
only with their leaders.
We still hope for an agreement.
The traditional greeting
in this country is "Shalom. "
The olive branch hasn't worked
around here...
...since Noah ran the ark into a mountain.
Col. Marcus, don't think we're ungrateful.
You write those manuals.
Go, inspect. Go to the Negev.
Go especially with the convoys
to Jerusalem...
...for there is our greatest danger.
Make your reports,
your recommendations, please.
All right. I'll try it your way.
I'll advise. I'll observe.
You need a lot more than advice,
or the night of May 15...
...you'll be wading in the Mediterranean.
Maybe. Maybe not.
We might be even tougher pussycats
than anyone has any idea.
We'll see.
He's been in the Negev desert
on an inspection tour.
Next week, he's going
in a convoy to Jerusalem.
And he's dictating from memory...
...every army training manual
he can remember.
He says they need it more than the Bible.
Did he happen to mention who
he's dictating the Song of Solomon to?
What do you mean by that?
- Why should I repeat gossip?
- Why should you stop now?
Since you ask...
A very dear friend of mine got a letter
from a dear friend of hers in Palestine.
There's this woman, lost her husband.
He's been seen everyplace with her.
Magda Simon. I know.
Mickey wrote me about her.
She's been assigned to him by the army.
Instead of paying him? A nice army!
Mother, don't be a mother.
Besides, Mickey and I have...
- What's the matter?
- I don't know.
I don't know. A terrible pain.
I'll get the bicarbonate.
No, mother. Call the doctor.