This is not the schooI uniform!
These are laborers' clothes!
Soldiers put gold stars
on their shoulders
and have colorfuI badge-like things
on their collars.
I don't know why you're upset
about a little bird on my back.
Shut up!
You've insulted our schooI
and the imperiaI army.
Very well.
We're going to the principaI's office.
We're done if he talks to the principaI.
Apologize to him now.
I will not!
You've really done it this time, Kiroku.
You can't fight the uniform.
But he hit me with his sword, Master.
Check out the bruise I got.
I just couldn't take it.
Training to fight
isn't just about hitting.
It's about being hit too.
You just wait.
I'll fix things for you.
Please don't, Master.
Why not?
They won't listen to you.
We're all Japanese.
I'm sure we can sort it out.
Otherwise, you'll be expelled.
Even if our schooI can forgive him,
the imperiaI army will not.
I'm really sorry about all this.
I'll keep a close eye on him,
so if you'll forgive him this time...
Who are you, anyway?
Nanbu's guardian?
Yes, like a temporary guardian.
That's not acceptable!
You have no business here.
I'll call the MPs
if you continue to waste my time.
I don't know about MPs,
but if you won't understand,
I guess there's no point being here.
Hold it.
Mr. Yamada,
shouldn't we get his name
and address while he's here?